Day 11: Getting the dragon ready for the day.

I collect my weapons; coat, hat, socks, shoes.  Toss them nonchalantly behind it so as not to draw notice.  The dragon is snuffling by the table munching on the bones of its victims…Cheerios.  I sneak behind it but the creak of a board draws its attention and it turns and flashes me its teeth.  I freeze momentarily then play it off by handing the dragon its sippy cup.   It reaches one talon covered hand out and devours the cup with its tiny dragon mouth.  I inhale a deep breath and prepare for battle.

Slipping shoes

Flailing arms

Grunting effort

Grabbing hat

Twisting body

Giggling dragon

Screaming dragon

Giggling dragon

Finally I flop back, the battle is over, I am victorious!  I glance up at the dragon one last time to see that she has pulled of her shoes and hat and is stuffing them under the couch.

Categories: Uncategorized | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Day 11: Getting the dragon ready for the day.

  1. What a metaphor! This is full of suspense and intrigue. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love the flow and rhythm of your post! Great verbs & I could picture you getting your child ready to leave for the day! In some ways it will get easier as your child gets older, but I was more timely when I could scoop them up and buckle them in. Since they are 12 & 14, I am past the days of scooping my kids up. The “dragon” evolves with age…

  3. That is one cute dragon – as fearsome as this slice may sound!

  4. I was reading an article the other day giving advice to writers and this particular person’s advice was to get rid of almost all of your adjectives and adverbs and pay close attention to your VERBS – you’ve just proven how powerful that can be!

  5. Verbs truly are the engines of sentences!

  6. Wonderful! And I love all the story in the swing from giggling to screaming and back to giggling. Wow!

  7. Pingback: Day 19 of the March SOLSC! #sol14 | TWO WRITING TEACHERS

  8. Now if this doesn’t inspire me to use strong verbs! . . . I think you may have lost your dragon, or foes she have a brother? He attends the preschool where I work 😉 Sweet wild dragons tumble through life.

  9. Great lesson on metaphor as well as verbs! This is wonderful and I am grateful you shared the insight into your little dragon- I always love the pistols!
    Look forward to reading your students’ posts

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