Cinderella, Youtube, and Homemade Playdoh


I’ve gotten used to stumbling onto strange things in my house; dolls in the baby’s carseat (not that strange), a castle of magna tiles filled with kitchen utensils and covered in kleenex, stacks of random items in last year’s easter basket sitting in the bathroom, and more.  So much more.

Yesterday my mom was watching the girls.  I never know what I’ll find when I walk in the door but yesterday was peaceful.  The baby asleep, Gigi playing calmly.  It was nice to have a moment to think and unpack, put milk in the fridge, take off my shoes.  Usually I walk in and it’s go, go, go until daddy gets home and I can pass one of these hooligans (I mean lovely angels) off.

As I chatted with my mom Gigi interjected with her narrative of the day.  At three I don’t always understand the full picture.  Something about a panda, Zoe not liking pandas or toys.  My mom filled in that Gigi had been playing Zoe’s panda all day and when she suggested that Gigi play with her own Panda doll she hid Zoe’s and said that Zoe doesn’t like toys.  (oh boy.)

It was then that I noticed another little oddity on the kitchen table.  A small Cinderella figurine wrapped in some of the Playdoh we had made the previous night.  As I looked at it in wonder my mom filled in the gaps, “It’s a hat.  A hat and a cape.  Gigi made it.”  There was no doubt in my mind who it came from.  That silly girl.

Of course the Cinderella and the idea to cover her had come from Youtube Kids.  A cursed app that I put on my iPad.  My intent was to offer up educational songs; English and Greek rhymes, alphabet songs, Daniel Tiger.  Media on my “approved” mental list.  This quickly gave way to unboxing videos, strange home made movies with Elsa and Anna barbies, people pulling Shopkins out of baby bathtubs full of gumballs, and a whole series of videos where someone makes new dresses for these little Disney princess figurines.  It’s enough to drive you crazy.  But with a newborn in the house my hands were tied and once Pandora’s box has been opened you’re hard pressed to get it closed again.

Oh well.  At least she was being creative.  At least we had made the Playdoh together.


Writer’s Reflection:  Although I found power in my title and the image I captured I couldn’t quite grasp the flow of words that I wanted for this slice.  Perhaps I wrote it too soon.  Perhaps the image and words are more powerful than the story written out.  



Categories: Slice of Life Challenge | 11 Comments

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11 thoughts on “Cinderella, Youtube, and Homemade Playdoh

  1. This slice has inspired me to think about what we find on our kitchen table. I age myself in this next statement,I miss the oddities that one finds when there is a three year old in the house. And I feel like Cinderella does need a cape. (Another Slice for Another Day…)

    • It’s funny that you mention that! There’s an element that I didn’t explore in my slice today which is the superhero v. princess epic battle. Thankfully Elsa is a modern day princess with powers so we have frequent magical power battles in our house. Also good for getting rid of monsters and vampires in the doll house.

  2. It’s only the beginning — parenting is SO humbling!!! Keep laughing –love the glimpse you give into your life. Your writing is so open and natural — I can really hear your voice. I feel a book about technology and parenting coming on….. really needed in the field. How do parents amplify life with tech? Just a thought…

  3. lynnedorfman

    The difficulties of including technology in our lives, our children’s lives, our students’ lives! You made me smile this morning! Thank you!

  4. My daughter once cut her hair and it was so bad that my stylist, who had promised me that she could fix anything, said there was no way she could fix that. My daughter later admitted it was because she had seen The Parent Trap and wanted to cut her hair like the girls had cut theirs. Never a dull moment! Just keep laughing, is my mantra!

  5. I had to laugh at the “cursed app.” What a new world kids are growing up in today! If a tech smart parent, such as yourself, curses an app, what hope is there for the non-tech knowledgeable parents out there. Glad my son is raised (or at least I hope so.) Loved your slice of life with a three-year-old.

  6. Your slices take me back to the good old days, Katie – they are wonderful, messy but wonderful.

  7. Oh, ‘youtube’…or kid tube or any tube… I agree that I also put it on my iPad for the same reasons you did but how do those other ‘videos’ sneak their way in there??? AND why are those the ones that the kids like the best? I swear if I watch one more mystery egg being opened up I’m going to scream!!! 🙂 It sure is funny what they get out of those things. I love and appreciate this post. My son is 2 and already starting the craziness and this just makes me smile as it’s I’m sure what is to come for me too!

  8. Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski

    My daughter does the same thing! We make play dough dresses for Disney princesses, just like they do on YouTube. It’s so weird to me that adults would make videos with surprise eggs and play dough dresses but my kids, and my students, love it!

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