Day 9: Windows Open

The open windows let in the sound of

children set free

from the icy confines

of winter.

Joyful voices

buzzing back and forth.

Coats unzipped, hat tossed aside.

Feet sloshing in the still frozen ground

mixed with melted

bits of winter.

The open windows

reveal a taste of spring,

hope on a breeze

excitement on a ray of sunshine

and smiles all around.

Categories: Uncategorized | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Day 9: Windows Open

  1. raeily

    I feel transported. 🙂 I really like this piece.

  2. I loved the line “Hope on a breeze.” Very evocative poem.

  3. Lovely – we had a day like this, too, and felt so grateful (and hopeful).

  4. Melted bits of winter, yes, that is the sign of spring coming.

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