Day 11: You sit stacked…

You sit stacked on my nightstand.  Your pile somewhat disheveled, a never-ending revolving door of friends.  Each one of you holds a story; waits patiently, hoping for your turn to be unfurled.  Some of you are lucky.  You barely sit at the top of the pile before I’ve snatched you up and devoured you, before passing you on.  Others of you continually pushed to the bottom of the pile, gathering dust.  You are good, I’m sure you are, it’s just that there others who stand out from the crowd begging.  You sit stacked on my nightstand.  Waiting for your day to shine.

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8 thoughts on “Day 11: You sit stacked…

  1. Won’t you take pity on the bottom of the pile and let them have their day in the mind of a reader?

    • I will elsie. I’m just not sure I will be that reader. But they certainly might find one in my students.

  2. I was intrigued by your title and glad when I clicked on your blog. I don’t always recognize blogger’s names, but I know bloggers by their headers. Love your final words, “waiting for your day to shine.” Currently trying to decide which 3 books I’ll take to book club retreat to be considered for next year’s list.

  3. beachhousefarmhouse

    I too was drawn in by your title. Stacks of books is such a lovely thing to see isn’t it? Great idea for a slice. 🙂

  4. Oh, those poor abandoned or neglected never-to-be-reads! Why is it so hard to let them go?

  5. The stack on my nightstand keeps getting taller! I really enjoyed this message to your books and hope you have plenty of time to read this week.

  6. Love the personification here, Katie – and that hopeful, happy ending.

  7. Oh, that stack of books waiting. I have a BIG stack … and it seems with less time in my day for me, I’m not reading as much as I would like to lately. At least I read a lot of picture books with my girls, but those other stories are waiting … perhaps summertime? Happy reading!

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